The website is closed.

The domain (age - 10 years) is for sale.

Price - $ 1,000

We   recommend   visiting   the   websites   of   other   companies   in   the   Chinese   motorcycle   industry:

Title Location WWW Phone
   CFMOTO Global       116, Wuzhou Road, Yuhang Economic Development Zone, Hangzhou 311100, Zhejiang Province, China       +86-139-09132936   
   Chang Jiang       Changjiang Industrial Park, Yuetan Town, Yanshi City, Henan Province, China       +86-166-91588326   
   Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd.       No. 34 Heping Rd, Jinan, China       +86-531-86599753   
   QJMOTOR       Provincial Road 23, Jiande, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China       4007-000-555   
   ZONTES       No. 188, Jinou Road, Jianghai District, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province       0750-3883688   
   Baotian Motorcycle Company       #36, Xingye Road Gaoxin Industrial Development Zone, Jiangmen, China       +86-750-2039008   
   Yinxiang Motorcycle       55 Yinxiang Avenue, Tuchang Town, Hechuan Dist, Chongqing, 401533 China       +86-238-1661666   
   ZNEN       99 Haixiu Road, Jiaojiang, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China       +86-576-82629001   
   LONCIN MOTOR CO., LTD.       No.116 Juye Rd,C area of Jiulong Industrial Park, Jiulongpo District,Chongqing, China       +86-238-6691192   
   Yadea       Dacheng Gongyeyuan Dongsheng Rd, Anzhen Sub-District, Xishan District Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214105 China       +86-510-88100267   

Attention! You are on an archived version of the website. Information is available for review only.
For up-to-date information, visit the company's new website -

  NEW 2010


Economical and functional motorcycle

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Cub Series

It has cub-bike frame,automatic clutch and light weight,making drive become easy when you ride on it.
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Large tilt angle at front fork, low center of gravity, high handle bar with comfortable and leisurely driving

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Excellent performance in acceleration, high speed, and steady driving

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Off Road

High center of gravity, big diameter of wheel, high outlet of muffler, and excellent performance in off-road capability

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Small diameter of wheel, low center of gravity, CVT, and easy handling

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