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Title Location WWW Phone
   CFMOTO Global       116, Wuzhou Road, Yuhang Economic Development Zone, Hangzhou 311100, Zhejiang Province, China       +86-139-09132936   
   Chang Jiang       Changjiang Industrial Park, Yuetan Town, Yanshi City, Henan Province, China       +86-166-91588326   
   Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd.       No. 34 Heping Rd, Jinan, China       +86-531-86599753   
   QJMOTOR       Provincial Road 23, Jiande, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China       4007-000-555   
   ZONTES       No. 188, Jinou Road, Jianghai District, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province       0750-3883688   
   Baotian Motorcycle Company       #36, Xingye Road Gaoxin Industrial Development Zone, Jiangmen, China       +86-750-2039008   
   Yinxiang Motorcycle       55 Yinxiang Avenue, Tuchang Town, Hechuan Dist, Chongqing, 401533 China       +86-238-1661666   
   ZNEN       99 Haixiu Road, Jiaojiang, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China       +86-576-82629001   
   LONCIN MOTOR CO., LTD.       No.116 Juye Rd,C area of Jiulong Industrial Park, Jiulongpo District,Chongqing, China       +86-238-6691192   
   Yadea       Dacheng Gongyeyuan Dongsheng Rd, Anzhen Sub-District, Xishan District Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214105 China       +86-510-88100267   

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Achievements of Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China
---Sep. 12th, 1999, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China was ranked 14 in Paul Ricard of France, the fifth station of Motorcycle Endurance World Championship. It was the first time that Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team had gained points in the world championship. It was also the first time that a Chinese motorcycle racing team had been recorded in FIM¡¯s yearbook, filling the blank in record of China¡¯s motorcycling.

---In 2000, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China was titled by FIM one of the world¡¯s top ten motorcycle racing teams.

---In May 2001, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China won the second prize in Brno of Czech, the second station of Motorcycle Endurance World Championship. It was the first time that China¡¯s national flag had been raised in the race course of the World Championship. With its four second prizes in the substation races, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China won the year¡¯s third prize of the World Championship.

---In 2002, with 3 substation championships, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China definitely became the year¡¯s champion in the Motorcycle Endurance World Championship. This was the ultimate glory in the China¡¯s motorcycling history.

---In 2003, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China continues to win five substation championships, leading to the winning of the year¡¯s second prize in the Motorcycle Endurance World Championship. In the same year, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team began to participate in CRRC and subsequently won 16 substation championships and 2 year¡¯s championships.

---In 2004, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China began its journey in World Superbike Championship (SBK). With the total achievement ranked 9, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team was one of the top ten motorcycle racing teams. It was the first time that a Chinese Motorcycle Racing Team had participated in the SBK and gained a satisfactory result. In the same year, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China took part in the CRRC and subsequently won 26 substation championships and 6 year¡¯s championships.

---In 2005, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China took part in the GP250CC group racing of the MotoGP World Championship (MotoGP for short) which was known as the world¡¯s top road racing and the F1 of the two wheel world. In MotoGP¡¯s Turkey station racing which ended on October 23th, two young Chinese racers entered the final of the GP250CC group, leading Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China to be ranked 20. On November 6th, in Spain, the last station racing, the two young Chinese racers again entered the final, and Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China was finally ranked 21. In the same year, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China also took part in the CRRC and subsequently won 25 substation championships and 7 year¡¯s championships.

---In 2006, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China continued to take part in the GP250CC group racing of the MotoGP on behalf of China, and was ranked 16 and 17 in the Malaysia station, which was the greatest achievement made by Chinese racers in the world¡¯s top road racing. Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China was also ranked 24. In the very same year, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China participated in the Asia Road Racing Championship on behalf of China and was ranked 5. Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China also took part in the CRRC and subsequently won 15 substation championships and 4 year¡¯s championships.
---In 2007, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China participated in the 250CC group racing of the MotoGP, the ARRC and the CSBK. It was ranked 17 in the Portugal station racing of the MotoGP. In the ARRC, it won the third prize in the Japan station and the second prize in the China station. In the CSBK, it won 10 substation championships and 2 year¡¯s championships.
---In 2008, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China continued to take part in the 250CC group racing of the MotoGP, the ARRC and the CSBK. In Portugal, the first station racing, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team was ranked 14, setting a new record for Chinese Motorcycle Racing Team in the world¡¯s top road racing and allowing the Chinese Motorcycle Racing Team to gain points in the MotoGP for the first time. In Macao and Zhuhai of China, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team was both ranked the second, which led to the third prize of the year 2008. In the CSBK, it won 16 substation championships and the individual and group championships in the GP125CCB group and the 600CC group.
---In 2009, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China changed its strategy, i.e. moving to the Asia race course, participating in the Asian GP (Asian Grand Prix) and continuing to take part in the ARRC and the CSBK on behalf of China. Besides, Zongshen Motorcycle Racing Team of China was devoted to the creation of a true Chinese motorcycle racing team, namely, all persons involved, from racers to machinists and to managers, were all Chinese. Again, it won the year¡¯s third prize in the ARRC. In the CSBK, it won 18 substation championships and 4 year¡¯s championships.

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